PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1968 D'Oyly Carte Cast) - 2CD
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Kategorie: Cast Recording, Musical CD
Sprache: englisch
UPC/EAN: 028947365020
Label: Decca
nicht mehr lieferbar
Kategorie: Cast Recording, Musical CD
Sprache: englisch
UPC/EAN: 028947365020
Label: Decca
nicht mehr lieferbar
- Overture
- Pour, oh pour the pirate sherry
- When Fred'ric was a little lad
- Oh, better far to live and die
- Oh, false one, you have deceived me
- Climbing over rocky mountain
- Stop! ladies, pray! A man!
- Oh, is there not one maiden breast
- Oh, sisters, deaf to pity's name, For shame!
- Poor wand'ring one!
- What out we to do, Gentle sisters, say?
- How beautifully blue the sky
- Stay, we must not lose our senses
- Hold, Monsters!
- I am the very model of a modern Major-General
- Oh, men of dark and dismal fate
- Hail Poetry, thou heav'n born maid!
- You may go, for you're at liberty
- Pray observe the magnanimtiy
- Oh, dry the glist'ning tear
- Then Frederic
- When the foeman bares his steel
- Now for the pirates lair!
- When you had left our pirate fold
- Away, away, my heart's on fire
- All is prepared
- Stay, Fred'ric stay!
- Ah, leave me not to pine alone and desolate
- Oh, here is love and here is truth
- No, I'll be brave
- Sergeant approach
- When a felon's not engaged in his employment
- A rollicking band of pirates we
- With cat-like tread
- Hush! Hush! Not a word
- Sighing softly to the river
- Now what is this, and what is that
- We triumph now
- Away with them, and place them at the bar
- Poor wand'ring ones, though ye have surely strayed
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