Stage Money - Donahue, T. & Patterson, J.

Kundenbewertung: -
Kategorie: Bücher
Sprache:  englisch
UPC/EAN: 9781570039072
ISBN: 9781570039072
Seiten: 174

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The Business of Professional Theater

Seiten: 174
Autor: Tim Donahue, Jim Patterson
Buchformat: Paperback

Stage Money is a groundbreaking guide to understanding professional theater finances today through the use of the tools and metaphors of the business world at large. This approach results in a comprehensive picture of the economic realities of theater production that is radically different from the assessments typically espoused elsewhere. Tim Donahue and Jim Patterson combine their experiences in the financial and creative aspects of theater production to present in straightforward prose their keen insights into the micro- and macro-economic aspects of the commercial stage. Tangible data, charts, and graphs are counterbalanced with illuminating intermissions between chapters and interspersed sidebars throughout to provide specific examples of key concepts, collectively presenting an expansive overview of the contemporary theater business. Stage Money is an unparalleled tool for theater professionals and enthusiasts interested in garnering a better understanding of the business's inner workings at present and its challenges for the future.

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