Kategorie: DVD
UPC/EAN: 5028836031819
Vanilla Ice, Kristin Minter, Naomi Campbell...
Spieldauer: | 87 Min. |
Audio: | englisch 2.0 |
Regionalcode: | 0 |
Bad boy Vanilla Ice, leader of a tough motorcycle gang, rides into town and woos the sweet natured Catherine. Trouble soon rears its ugly head when it transpires that her parents, who have been in a long term witness protection programme, have been found by the criminals they put behind bars.
Robert Matthew Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice, burst on to the nation's conscience in the early nineties with his massive hit ICE ICE BABY, famously sampling Queen and David Bowie's UNDER PRESSURE. It was the first single by a rapper to hit number one in the US making him an international mega star. His 1991 film debut sees him on top form and features cameos from Naomi Campbell and Bobbie Brown.
This previously unavailable cult gem has become a highly anticipated release and finally hits DVD for the very first time.
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